Why Purchase The New Cubic Zirconia ?

Cubic Zirconia

If you can remember back to the days of old, the choices you had available in fine jewelry were not much greater than the actual valuable stones like diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and the like, or the pieces that were commonly referred to as paste.

If you wanted to purchase a nice piece for a friend or loved one, you almost never considered buying something made from cubic zirconia. If you belong to the younger generation, you might be wondering why that was the case. Well, it is very simple — back then, these stones did not hold up very well. They had a tendency to craze over time, and the stones often turned dull.

The stones were also so porous that the natural oils from your skin would seep inside, turning them dull and lifeless. Thus, you might be asking yourself why you would ever want to purchase cubic zirconia. Well, years have passed, and a lot of research and advances have gone into these gemstones.

The processes have improved, and the formula has gotten so much better that the new cubic zirconia of today has become so diamond-like that they no long craze or change colors. Also, they have increased to an eight point five on the Moh’s scale of hardness, meaning these polished stones will last much longer than previous versions. They are now a much more durable gem.

But the best thing about these stones is that they can be sold for only a fraction of the cost of real diamonds. You can also purchase them in a variety of sizes, cuts, and colors that are sure to please even the most exacting tastes. Not only can you find a wide selection of pieces from rings to necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, but you can also purchase loose stones.

If you have been shopping around at some of the stores in your vicinity, you have probably discovered that there are a limited number of pieces offered. And should you find something you like, but it does not come in the color of gold you prefer, you might find yourself out of luck. Wouldn’t you rather shop where every piece is offered in both yellow and white gold?

Wouldn’t you prefer to have the option of choosing platinum if that happens to be your metal of choice? It is possible to find pieces offered with even eighteen karat or fourteen karat gold. It all depends upon how much you want to spend.

So if you have been thinking about purchasing a fabulous cubic zirconia piece of jewelry for the one you love, visit http://www.freecz.com, a wonderful jewelry resource. You will be amazed at the variety of styles and beautiful pieces that are available to purchase. Don’t limit yourself to the few ordinary pieces you might find in a showcase at your local retailers. Visit a source like FreeCZ where you have the widest choices possible.